Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Rachael In Haiti Update

It has been 6 days since Rachael departed from Medford Oregon to begin her adventure in Haiti. I found out yesterday that she went with the Anthem Ministry Students up to a mountain to reach a village that hasn't received much relief since the earthquake. While the team was there they did some major outreach and built some essential structures (bathroom, etc.) for the village.

She sent me a message today from the base camp that we will be staying in, and told me that there are a couple good guys who have come down to Haiti to stay and serve for a couple months at the base as well. I'm excited to join hearts with these other servants who share in a love for Haiti.

Lastly, a few awesome things Rachael told me about is that it is rainy and cooler, as expected, and she stayed in a tent during the hurricane that passed through. She also enjoyed a nice shower in a waterfall, something few are brave enough to do.

In these remaining days for me in Medford, I am continuing to seek the heart of God and pursue His presence. I just talked to someone yesterday about it, but we chatted about how just like Paul I am finishing my time here strong and well, so that I can be propelled into my time in Haiti. Thank you for all your prayers and love for Rachael and I.

In Love,

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